Getting from Kansai Airport (Osaka) to Hakuba Valley

Getting from Kansai Airport (Osaka) to Hakuba Valley

Kansai Airport is quite some distance from Hakuba Valley, and if possible guests should use Tokyo or Nagoya as an entry start point.
Allow at least 8 hours to get from Kansai Airport to Hakuba Valley, and if arriving after about 2pm, an overnight stop may be required. Following the route below there will be 4 trains and 3 transfers.

Below we have mapped out the most direct course by public transport. Click on the “+” icon to expand. There are other options including private transfers, buses and rental cars.

Kansai Airport is quite some distance from Hakuba Valley, and if possible guests should use Tokyo or Nagoya as an entry start point.
Allow at least 8 hours to get from Kansai Airport to Hakuba Valley, and if arriving after about 2pm, an overnight stop may be required. Following the route below there will be 4 trains and 3 transfers.

Below we have mapped out the most direct course by public transport. Click on the “+” icon to expand. There are other options including private transfers, buses and rental cars.
