Route Map

There are many different routes for getting from Narita Airport to Myoko Kogen. If it is your first time to Myoko Kogen, or you have a lot of luggage, then you may be better off using a direct service like the Nagano Snow Shuttle.

Below we summarize the easiest route to Myoko Kogen from Narita Airport by Public Transport. If you’d like advice on other routes, please do not hesitate to send us an inquiry. Or fill in the form on the right.

Narita Airport

Narita Airport Terminal 1 StationThere are 2 train lines between Narita Airport and and Central Tokyo. The Narita Express, and the Keisei Skyliner. The Narita Express runs from Terminal 1, via terminal 2 to JR Tokyo Station. The Keisei Skyliner runs from Terminal 1 via Terminal 2 to Keisei Ueno Station, close to JR Ueno Station Tokyo.
The JR transfer is easier as you can buy all your tickets at Narita Airport, but the Keisei Line is actually a bit quicker.

Below we cover the transfer using the JR Narita Express and JR Hokuriku Shinkansen Bullet Train.

Terminal 1 (Narita Kuko Station)

The JR station is located in the basement of Terminal 1. The station is called “Narita Kuko” but the there are many English and Chinese signs that identify it as Terminal 1.

Terminal 2 (Kuko Daini Biru)

Narita Airport Terminal 2 StationNarita Airport Terminal 2 Station
The JR station is located in the basement of Terminal 2. The station is called “Narita Daini Biru” but the there are many English and Chinese signs that identify it as Terminal 2.

Terminal 3

There are not stations at terminal 3. The closest station is terminal 2. It is about 400m from terminal 3 to terminal 2. There is a well sign posted walkway (15 min walk), or you can take the free shuttle from terminal 3 to terminal 2 in about 3 minutes. The shuttle bus stop does not have a number but is easy to find if you take the escalator down to the bus top floor.

Buying a Ticket

All the JR ticket counters are red. You can buy a ticket from a machine, but most international visitors will find it easiest to go to the JR EAST Travel Service Center. These are set up for foreign visitors and staff speak English. Explain that you want to go to Nagano, and they will work out the next available times and transfers and issue your tickets.

Hint: Try to get a seat in car number 6 or above on the Bullet train to Nagano, as this will make it much easier to transfer at Nagano Station to the bus to Hakuba

Boarding the Train

The train tracks are on the level below the tickets sales and ticket gates. You will have several tickets in your hand, just put them all into the ticket machine together (not one at a time), and they will reappear part way down the ticket gate. Make sure you take your all your tickets.

Take the escalator down and locate your car number. Trains run on time so be on board with time to spare.

Request Transfer Information

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