Money Matters in Myoko Kogen

Come Prepared


Cash is King in Japan虽然您可看到各种电子货币充斥日本市场,但外国人使用起来却不太方便。日本的信用卡使用率在增加,但签帐金融卡(debit card)对大部分人来说还是很陌生。一般您的金融卡上附有Visa,Mastercard商标的话皆能使用,刷卡作业程序和信用卡相同,有时会被要求多加一笔2至4%的手续费。

ATMS and Money Exchange

There is one international ATM in Akakura, and also one down at the Seven Eleven on Route 18.

The ATM in Akakura is located at the post office, near Akakura Bus Stop. Operational hours are limited to 9:00AM to 5:30PM on Weekdays, and 9:00AM to 12:30PM on Saturdays. It is closed on Sundays and Public Holidays. Most major international credit cards are accepted.

Outside of these hours, the only place to get cash is the ATM located at the Seven Eleven on route 18. This is a 15-minute taxi ride from Akakura, but the ATM is open 24 hours (apart from several minutes of maintenance down time during the late night hours).

There are no money changing facilities at all in the Myoko Kogen Ski Resort area.

