One of Hakuba’s most popular attractions, the Olympic Ski Jump is one of the iconic sites in Hakuba and famous in Japan as the location where the Japanese Ski Jumping Team one the large hill teams event at the 1998 winter Olympics.

Arriving at the base, you board the chair lift up to the start tower. There is a special “Gold Medal” chair on the lift. Timing is everything as it only comes around once ever 10 minutes.

到達Start Tower後,轉乘升降機到標準跳台(Normal Hill)與大型跳台(Large Hill)入口。穿過接駁橋後,您將在跳台後方的樓梯緩緩往觀景台(即跳台滑雪的起跳點)前進。在觀景台上,您可從約40層樓高俯瞰白馬景色,亦可親身體驗選手們從這裡跳下去時需要的勇氣。


Current operations are limited from 10:00 – 15:00(Last lift up at 14:30), however before and after public hours you may see some athletes practicing, so earlier and later are the premium times.

The supporters stand holds 45,000 people and is a great place to exercise. I reckon there are 225 steps on the way to the top, but my good friend Steve Williams of Hakuba Connect thinks there are only 220.

He’s way fitter than I am, but I’m younger so I have much more faith in my counting abilities.

競技場是免費入場。如要乘搭纜車到Start Tower參觀,成人票是460日元、兒童票(15歲(含)以下)280日元。

冬季時這裡沒有巴士前往,您可從八方巴士站或Hakuba Base Camp徒步約10分鐘,或開車來參觀(附設免費停車場)。



