Route Map

There are many different routes for getting from Haneda Airport to Myoko Kogen. If it is your first time to Myoko Kogen, or you have a lot of luggage, then you may be better off using a direct service like the Nagano Snow Shuttle.

Below we summarize the easiest route to Myoko Kogen from Haneda Airport by Public Transport. If you’d like advice on other routes, please do not hesitate to send us an inquiry.

This route uses the Tokyo Monorail to get to Hamamatsu-Cho Station, then a local train to Tokyo Station, followed by the Shinkansen Bullet train to Nagano, and Bus to Hakuba Valley

Haneda Airport Terminal 2

The Tokyo Monorail Station is located on the B1 level of Terminal 2. Terminal 2 is the origin and terminus of all Tokyo Monorail Services. The platforms are on level B2 and both platform 1 & 2 trains go to Hamamatsu-Cho.

Haneda Airport Terminal 1

The Tokyo Monorail Station is located on the B1 level of Terminal 1. The platforms are on level B2, and platform 1 trains go to Hamamatsu-Cho.

Terminal 3

You can access the Tokyo Monorail Station from the 2nd (arrivals) or 3rd (departures) floors at Terminal 3. Platform is on level 3, with platform # 2 being for trains heading to Hamamatsu-Cho.

Buying a Ticket

The Tokyo Monorail and JR are separate companies, so you need to buy different tickets. Good news is that you can buy both at the airport. First go to the Monorail Station and purchase a ticket to Hamamatsu Cho (Fare is currently 500yen). Then head to the JR Service Center and purchase a ticket from Hamamatsu Cho to Nagano.

By the time you board the train, you will have a handful of tickets. All you need to do is keep the monorail and JR tickets separate.

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