Services in Madarao Kogen

Iiyama City is your best friend!


There are no large supermarkets in Madarao Kogen. If you are staying in a self contained property if pays to make a trip down to Iiyama every couple of days.

The closest supermarket is the A-Coop Miyuki, which is about 20 minutes drive from central Madarao Kogen. As the A-Coop Chain is operated by JA (Japan Agriculture), there is a good range of fruit and vegetables available year round.

There is also a small bakery in this supermarket.

It is open daily from 9:30 – 20:00, but is occasionally closed on Wednesdays. A taxi from Madarao Kogen will cost about 3,000yen.

In central Iiyama there are also Tsuruya and Beishia, and Delicia supermarkets, which are large and modern. While they don’t have the same quality of fruit and vegetables as the A-Coop, they are somewhat cheaper, and have a wider selection of items.

Convenience Stores

There are no 24/7 convenience stores in Madarao Kogen. The F1 Market, about 5 minutes walk from the Madarao Kogen Hotel has a few snacks and alcohol sales but is only open from 10AM  – 8PM, and is closed on Sundays.

The closest 24/7 convenience store is a couple of 7-11 down in Iiyama. These will require a taxi, and these are hard to come by in Madarao Kogen.


Again the only real options for getting pain killers or other medicines is to head down to Iiyama City. There are a number of larger chain pharmacies there.

Post Offices

The closest post office is in Iiyama city.

Rental Cars

As you can see from the information above, services in Madarao Kogen are very limited.

A rental car can be a great choice here, as you can access more shops and stores in nearby Iiyama city.

We recommend picking up a rental car in Nagano City on your way into town, or even at the airport when you arrive.

Japan has all the major chains of rental cars operating, but there are also a lot of local operators with much better rates.

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